Speaker Spotlight: Idoya Fernández

Idoya is partner at Cuatrecasas, member of its board of directors and head of Knowledge and Innovation. We asked Idoya three questions, including insights into his upcoming session at Lexpo'24.

Idoya, what inspired you to specialise in Knowledge Management, and what are some key milestones in your career related to this field?

I began my career as an M&A lawyer and was asked to draft some standard models to improve team efficiency. What started as a temporary task became a passion, as I realised the potential to enhance knowledge management practices within the legal industry. Throughout my career, there have been several key milestones, but one of the most significant was being appointed to the Board in December 2023. This recognition of the knowledge and innovation team's work over the years demonstrates that, at Cuatrecasas, we see knowledge management and innovation as a crucial part of our overall strategy.

Reflecting on your career, what advice would you give to your younger self just starting out in the legal industry, especially regarding Knowledge Management and innovation?

It is not just about the tech! I would advise myself to focus on strategy, fostering a culture of knowledge-sharing, and nurturing the talents of the people around me.

Can you give us a sneak peek into the topics you’ll be addressing at the event, and what attendees can expect to learn from your session?

At Lexpo, I will be discussing the exciting integration of Knowledge Management with generative AI, and the strategic role this plays for law firms in differentiating their value proposition to clients. Attendees can expect to learn how knowledge teams, who are much more than just KM teams, can leverage their expertise in technology, legal knowledge, and client needs to drive this integration. This is an exciting moment for law firms to transform KM services from a back-office function into a strategic driver of corporate culture and client service. The session will be especially relevant for knowledge lawyers within law firms and legal operations in-house lawyers.